





董 敏

现任职称/职务:教授/博导 制药工程系


19. Yao, Y.; He, J.; Chen, F.; Dong, M.*. Arsinothricin Biosynthesis Involving a Radical SAM Enzyme for Noncanonical SAM Cleavage and C-As Bond Formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 21214-21219

18. Jiang, Y.; Yao, M.; Feng, J.; Niu, H.; Qiao, B.; Li, B.; Wang, B.*; Xiao, W.*; Dong, M.*, Yuan, Y. Molecular Insights into Converting Hydroxide Adenosyltransferase into Halogenase. J Agric Food Chem 2024, 72, 12685-12695

17. Yu, N.; Zhao H.; Wang, W.; Dong, M.*. Enzymatic fluoroethylation by a fluoroethyl selenium analogue of S-adenosylmethionine. ACS Catalysis. 2024, 14, 6211–6216.

16. Jiang, Y.; Yao, M.; Niu, H.; Wang, W.; He, J.; Qiao, B.; Li, B.; Dong, M.*, Xiao, W.*; Yuan, Y. Enzyme Engineering Renders Chlorinase the Activity of Fluorinase. J Agric Food Chem. 2024, 72, 1203-1212.

15. Wang, W,; Zhao H,; Yu, N,; Chen, F,; Dong, M.*. Stable S-Adenosylmethionine Analogue for Enzymatic Fluoromethylation. ACS Catalysis. 2023, 13, 13729-13734.

14. Huang, R.; Zhi, N,; Yu, L.; Li, Y.; Wu, X.; He, J.; Zhu, H.; Qiao, J.; Liu, X.; Tian, C.; Wang, J *; Dong, M.* Genetically encoded photosensitizer protein reduces iron-sulfur clusters of radical SAM enzymes. ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13, 1240-1245.

13.  Zhi, N,; Zhu, H.;  Qiao, J.; Dong, M.*. Recent progress in radical SAM enzymes: New reactions and mechanisms. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2022, 67, 1806-1820.

12.  Li, Y.; Yao, Y.; Yu, L.; Tian, C.; Dong, M.* Mechanistic investigation of B12-independent glycerol dehydratase and its activating enzyme GD-AE. Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 2738-2741.

11.  Zhou, S.; Chen, X.; Ni, X*.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, H.; Dong, M.*; Xia, H*. Pyridoxal-5´-phosphate-dependent enzyme GenB3 Catalyzes C-3´,4´-dideoxygenation in gentamicin biosynthesis. Microb. Cell. Fact. 2021, 20:65, 1-12.

10.  Fenwick, M. K.; Su, Dan.; Dong, M.; Lin, H *; Ealick, S. E.* Structural Basis of the Substrate Selectivity of Viperin. Biochemistry 2020, 59, 652–662.

9.  Dong M, Dando EE, Kotliar I, Su X, Dzikovski B, Freed JH, Lin H. The asymmetric function of Dph1-Dph2 heterodimer in diphthamide biosynthesis.  J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.  2019, 24, 777-782.

8.  Fenwick, M. K.; Dong, M.; Lin, H.; Ealick, S. E.*. The Crystal Structure of Dph2 in Complex with Elongation Factor 2 Reveals the Structural Basis for the First Step of Diphthamide Biosynthesis. Biochemistry 2019, 58, 4343–4351.


Select Publications Before 2019

7. Dong, M.; Kathiresan, V.; Fenwick, M. K.; Torelli, A. T.; Zhang, Y.; Caranto, J. D; Dzikovski, B.; Sharma, A.; Lancaster, K. M.; Freed, J. H.; Ealick, S. E.; Hoffman, B. M.; Lin, H. Organometallic and radical intermediates reveal mechanism of diphthamide biosynthesis. Science 2018. 359, 1247-1250.

6. Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.G.; Lin, H. Methods for Studying the Radical SAM Enzymes in Diphthamide Biosynthesis. Methods Enzymol. 2018, 606, 421-438.

5. Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.G.; Lin, H. Noncanonical Radical SAM Enzyme Chemistry Learned from Diphthamide Biosynthesis. Biochemistry  2018. 57, 3454–3459. (Invited Perspective).

4. Dong, M.; Horitani, M.; Dzikovski, B.; Freed, J. H.; Ealick, S. E.; Hoffman, B. M.; Lin, H. Substrate-Dependent Cleavage Site Selection by Unconventional Radical S‑Adenosylmethionine  Enzymes in Diphthamide Biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017. 139, 5680-5683

3. Dong, M#.; Horitani, M#.; Dzikovski, B.; Pandelia, M. E.; Krebs, C.; Freed, J. H.; Hoffman, B.; Lin, H. Organometallic complex formed by an unconventional radical SAM enzyme. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016. 138, 9755-9758.

2. Lin, Z.; Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.; Lee, E.; Lin, H. Cytochrome B5 reductase is a Dph3 reductase required for the tRNA wobble uridine modification. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2016. 12,995–997.

1. Dong, M.; Su, X.; Dzikovski, B. G.; Dando, E. E.; Zhu, X.; Du, J.; Freed, J. H.; Lin, H. Dph3 is an electron donor for Dph1-Dph2 in the first step of eukaryotic diphthamide biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 1754−7