





何 林







  1. 1. Xiaolei Zhang, Fuming Wang*, Lin He. Flame-retardant shape-stabilized phase change composites with superior solar-to-thermal conversion. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2024; 274: 112996.

    2. Ying Tian, Changqing He, Lin He*, Zhenghe Xu, Hong Sui, Xingang Li. Doping Heteroatoms to Form Multiple Hydrogen Bond Sites for Efficiently Interfacial Reconstruction and SeparationsJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 472, 134477

    3. Yurou Guo, Peng Lv, Juan Li, Changqing He, Lin He*, Hong Sui, An improved process for removal and recovery of heavy petroleum from solids using a ferrate-based hybrid oxidant, Environmental Research, 2024, 251, 118563

    4. Xiaolei Zhang, Fumin Wang*, Lin He, Construction of MXene-enhanced rigid polyurethane foam/polyethylene glycol phase change composites for solar thermal conversion and storage, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 413, 134949  

    5. Juan Li, Junxin Cai, Xiang Liu, Yurou Guo, Hong Sui, Lin He*,Design and synthesis of water-resistant mesoporous silica gel for VOCs adsorption-desorption treatment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62, 48, 20833–20843

    6. Lin He *, Jun Han*, Erhong Duan*Special Issue on “Resource Recovery and Harmless Treatment Processes for Industrial Organic Pollutants”, Processes, 2023, 11(7), 2128

    7. Jingjing Zhou, Changqing He, Lin He*, Xincheng Zhang, Ying Tian, Hong Sui, Xingang Li. Unravelling the roles of nano-modification in enhancing demulsification: size effects and strengthened non-covalent interactions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2023, 674, 131966.

    8. Fei Song; Jingjing Zhou; Zhidan Jia; Lin He*; Hong Sui; Xingang Li. Interfacial Behaviors of Ionic Liquids in Petroleum Production: A Review. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023382, 121864

    9. Yuansen Li; Lin He*; Jinze Du; Hong Sui; Xingang Li. A novel resourcezation strategy for the alkylphenol distillation residues: from hazardous wastes to high-valued epoxy asphalt materials, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 405, 136962

    10. Xueying Zhang, Junyan Wang, Xincheng Zhang, Lin. He*, Hong Sui and Xingang Li. Understanding the stability and instability of asphaltene-mircoparticles co-stabilized emulsions by oxygen-enriched nonionic demulsifier, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023381121819

    11.Mu, X.; Ma, J.; Liu, F.; MengqinYao; He, L., The solvent extraction is a potential choice to recover asphalt from unconventional oil ores. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2023, 16 (5), 104650.

    12.Xincheng Zhang; Changqing He; Jingjing Zhou; Ying Tian; Lin He*; Hong Sui; Xingang Li, Demulsification of water-in-heavy oil emulsions by oxygen-enriched non-ionic demulsifier: synthesis, characterization and mechanisms, Fuel, 2023,338, 127274

    13.Changqing He; Xincheng Zhang; Lin He*; Hong Sui; Xingang Li, Revealing the non-covalent interactions between oxygen-containing demulsifiers and interfacially active asphaltenes: a multi-level computational simulation, Fuel, 2022, 329, 125375

    14.Jingjing Zhou; Xincheng Zhang; Lin He*; Hong Sui*; Xingang LiNano-modification of carboxylated polyether for enhanced room temperature demulsification of oil-water emulsions: Synthesis, performance and mechanisms, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 439, 129654 (SCI 一区IF=14.224)

    15. Fei Song, Junyan Wang, Hong Sui, Xingang Li, Lin He*, Kinetics of CO2 gas bubbling for the separation of residual solvent from waste solids: Effects of bubble size, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 107981

  2. 16.Junxin Cai; Dan Wang; Meiyan Zhang; Hong Sui; Xingang Li; Lin He*, Deactivation mechanisms of engineering VOCs adsorbents and the lifetime-prolonging strategyIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research202261 (17), 5952-5962

  3. 17.Ying Tian, Jingjing Zhou, Changqing He, Lin He *, Xingang Li, Hong Sui. The formation, stabilization and separation of oil-water emulsions: a review. Processes, 2022, 10 (4), 738, (Invited)

    18.Yongli Yang, Jiaojiao Song, Hong Sui, Lin He*, Xingang Li. Understanding the behaviors of toluene in asphaltene, Journal of molecular liquids, 2022, 348, 118016

    19.Jia Li, Changfan He, Xingtao Cao, Hong Sui, Xingang Li, Lin He*Low temperature thermal desorption-chemical oxidation hybrid process for the remediation of organic contaminated model soil: a case study, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2021, 243, 103908

    20.Pingqiang Gao, Yan Zhang, Jinze Du *, Hong Sui *, Lin HePreparation and application of porous activated carbon using phenolic distillation residueJournal of Materials Science202156 (30), 16902-16915

    21.Jingjing Zhou, Hong Sui, Jun Ma, Xingang Li, Nabil. H. A. Al-Shiaani, Lin He*. Fast demulsification of oil-water emulsions at room temperature by functionalized magnetic nanoparticles, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 274118967.

    22.Yongli Yang, Hong Sui*, Jun Ma, Lin He *, Xingang Li, Revealing the residual mechanism of switchable solvents in heavy oil, Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 218, 106857

    23.Jun Ma; Yongli Yang; Xingang Li; Hong Sui; Lin He*; Mechanisms on the stability and instability of water-in-oil emulsion stabilized by interfacially active asphaltenes: Role of hydrogen bonding reconstructing. Fuel, 2021, 297, 120763.

    24.Changfan He; Xueying Zhang; Peng Lv; Hong Sui; Xingang Li; Lin He*, Efficient remediation of o-dichlorobenzene-contaminated soil using peroxomonosulfate-ferrate-FeS hybrid oxidation systemJournal of Taiwan Institute Chemical Engineers, 2021, 119, 23-32.

    25.   Jing Zhou, Xingang Li, Jinze Du, Lin He*, Chengyang Wang, Hong Sui, Conversion of phenolic mixture to refractory resins: A resourcezation strategy for phenolic distillation residues, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 414, 125357

    26.   Hao Chen, Haifeng Cong*, Lin He, Xingang Li*, A novel two-parts heat integrated dividing wall column with middle vapor recompression, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 262118302.

    27.   Meiyan Zhang, Hong Sui*, Huawei Yang, Xingang Li, Lin He*, Jijiang Liu, Adsorption-desorption behaviors of methanol and ethyl acetate on silica gel: modeling and experimental tests, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60 (4), 1829-1838.

    28.   Junyan Wang, Yun Bai, Xingang Li, Hong Sui, Lin He*, Understanding the effects of salinity on bitumen-calcite interactions, Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 213, 106668.

    29.   Junyan Wang, Xingang Li*, Guoqiang Ma, Hong Sui, Lin He*, Runzhe Liu, Removal of residual solvent from solvent-extracted unconventional oil ores gangue by gas bubbling, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254, 117551.

    30.   Guoqiang Ma, Junyan Wang, Lin He,* Xingang Li, Hong Sui,* The nature of the Indonesian carbonate asphalt rocks and its insights into the separation processes, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 195107752.

  4. 31.   Hao Chen; Xingang Li*; Lin He; Haifeng Cong*. Energy, exergy, economic, and environmental analysis for methyl acetate hydrolysis process with heat integrated technology used. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 216, 112919.

    32.   Xingang Li; Chengong Zheng; Zeli Wang; Hong Sui; Lin He*. Optimization of the loading patterns of silica gels for o-xylene recovery by vacuum swing adsorption. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020. 99 (2), 458-466.

    33.   Xingang Li; Jingjuan Yuan; Jinze Du; Hong Sui; Lin He*. Functionalized ordered mesoporous silica by vinyltriethoxysilane for the removal of VOCs through adsorption/desorption process. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020. 59, 8, 3511–3520. 

    34.    Jun Ma; Renzhou Bian; Guoqiang Ma; Xingang Li; Hong Sui; Lin He*. Separation of asphalt from carbonate ore surfaces by reactive extraction: kinetics and modelling. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 216115533.

    35.    Xingang Li; Jun Ma*; Renzhou Bian; Jing Cheng; Hong Sui; Lin He*. A novel polyether for efficient demulsification of interfacially active asphaltenes stabilized water-in-oil emulsions. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34, 3, 3591–3600

    36.    Zhidan Jia; Zhen Niu; Ziqi Yang; Xingang Li; Junyan Wang; Xiao He; Hong Sui; Lin He*. Interfacial Behaviors of Ionic Liquid Cations and Asphaltenes at Oil-Water Interface: Dynamic Diffusion and Interfacially Competitive Adsorption. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34, 2, 1259-1267

    37.    Zhenwei Han; Dan Wang; Peng Jiang; Hong Sui; Lin He*; Xingang Li; Enhanced removal and recovery of binary mixture of n-butyl acetate and p-xylene by temperature swing - vacuum pressure swing hybrid adsorption process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 135, 273-281

    38.    Jun Ma, Xingang Li, Xueying Zhang, Hong Sui, Lin He*, Shaoyang Wang. A novel oxygen-containing demulsifier for efficient breaking of water-in-oil emulsions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 385, 123826.

    39.    Zhenwei Han; Shunli Kong; Jing Cheng; Hong Sui; Xingang Li; Zisheng Zhang; Lin He*, Preparation of efficient carbon-based adsorption material using asphaltenes from asphalt rocks, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019. 58, 32, 14785-14794.

    40.    Xingang Li, Zhidan Jia, Junyan Wang*, Hong Sui*, Lin He, O. A. Volodin. Detection of residual solvent in solvent-extracted unconventional oil ores gangues. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2019, 284499–506. 

    41.    Hong Sui, Zeli Wang, Lin He *, Zhenwei Han, Xingang Li. Piecewise loading bed for reversible adsorption of VOCs on silica gels. Journal of Taiwan Institute Chemical Engineers, 2019, 102, 51-60.

    42.    Xingang Li, Lingyu Sun, Hong Sui, Lin He *, Wei Yuan *, Zhenwei Han. A novel polymeric adsorbent embedded with phase change materials (PCMs) microcapsules: Synthesis and application. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(5):736.

    43.    Hong Sui, Peng Jiang, Xi Li, Jijiang Liu, Xingang Li and Lin He *, Binary adsorption equilibrium and breakthrough of n-butyl acetate and p-xylene on granular activated carbon, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research., 2019. 58, 19, 8279-8289.

    44.    Xingang Li; Renzhou Bian; Junyan Wang; Xianyi Wang; Jun Ma; Guoqiang Ma; Hong Sui; Lin He *. Recovery of extra-heavy oil and minerals from carbonate asphalt rocks by reactive extraction. RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 14372-14381.

    45.    Zisheng Zhang; Xianyi Wang; Jun Ma; Renzhou Bian; Hong Sui; Lin He *; Xingang Li. Measurement and Correlation of Solubility of Calcium Formate (Form ) in Different Binary Solvent Mixtures at Temperatures from 283.15 K to 323.15 K, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2019, 64, 6, 2475-2483.

    46.    Zisheng Zhang, Ning Kang, Jingjing Zhou, Xingang Li, Lin He *; Hong Sui*. Novel synthesis of choline-based amino acid ionic liquids and their applications for separating asphalt from carbonate rocks. Nanomaterials, 2019, 8, (3): 162.

    47.    Ziqi Yang; Changqing He; Hong Sui; Lin He *; Xingang Li. Recent advances of CO2-responsive materials in separations, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2019, 30: 79-99.

    48.    Hong Sui; Jijiang Liu; Lin He,* Xingang Li; Ammi Jani. Adsorption and desorption of binary mixture of acetone and ethyl acetate on silica gel. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 197: 185-194. (SCI 二区IF=3.372)

    49.    Runzhe Liu, Guofan Zhang*, Hui Zhang, Lifen Liu, Lin He, Yanfei Chen. Effect of iodine value of sodium fatty acids on the flotation of collophanite. Physicochemical problems of mineral processing, 2019, in press. (SCI 三区,IF=1.2)

    50.    Yun Bai, Hong Sui, Xiaoyan Liu, Lin He,* Xingang Li, Esben Thormann. Effects of the N, O, and S heteroatoms on the adsorption and desorption of asphaltenes on silica: A molecular dynamics simulation, Fuel, 2019, 240: 252-261. (SCI 二区,IF=4.908)

    51.    Jingjing Zhou, Hong Sui, Zhidan Jia, Ziqi Yang, Lin He,* Xingang Li Recovery and purification of ionic liquids from solutions: A review. RSC Advances. 2018, 8: 32832–32864. (SCI 三区IF=2.9)

    52.    Hong Sui, Jingjing Zhou, Guoqiang Ma, Yaqi Niu, Jing Cheng, Lin He,* Xingang Li, Removal of Ionic Liquids from Oil Sands Processing Solution by Ion-Exchange Resin, Applied Sciences, 2018, 8, (9): 1611. (SCI 三区IF=2.679)

    53.    Hong Sui, Guoqiang Ma, Yipu Yuan, Qifeng Li,* Lin He,* Yang Wang, Xingang Li. Bitumen-silica interactions in the presence of hydrophilic ionic liquids. Fuel, 2018, 233: 860-866.(SCI 一区,IF=8.3)

    54.    Xingang Li; Yun Bai; Hong Sui; Lin He *Understanding desorption of oil fractions from mineral surfaces, Fuel, 2018, 232: 257-266. (SCI 一区,IF=8.3)

    55.    Zisheng Zhang, Hongda Li, Hong Sui, Lin He*, Xingang Li. Synthesis and application of hydrophilically-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles in oil sands separation. RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 15813–15824. (SCI 三区IF=4.036)

    56.    Xingang Li, Jia Li, Hong Sui, Lin He*, Xingtao Cao and Yonghong Li, Evaluation and determination of soil remediation schemes using a modified AHP model and its application in a contaminated coking plant, J. Hazard. Mater., 2018, 353: 300-311. (SCI一区IF=14.)

    57.    Xingang Li, Youyi He, Hong Sui and Lin He*, One-Step Fabrication of Dual Responsive Lignin Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Efficient Removal of Cationic and Anionic Dyes, Nanomaterials, 2018, 8, (3): 162. (SCI 二区IF=5.719)

    58.    Zisheng Zhang, Ning Kang, Junyan Wang, Hong Sui, Lin He * and Xingang Li, Synthesis and application of amino acid ionic liquid-based deep eutectic solvents for oil-carbonate mineral separation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 181: 264-271. (SCI 二区IF=3.2)

    59.    Xingang Li; Ziqi Yang; Hong Sui; Ashish Jain; Lin He*. A hybrid process for oil-solid separation by a novel multifunctional switchable solvent. Fuel, 2018, 221: 303-310. (SCI 一区,IF=8.3)

    60.    Sui, H.; Wu, J.; He, L. *; Li, X. Conversion of low-grade heat from FCC absorption-stabilization system to electricity by organic Rankine cycles: Simulation and optimization. J. Eng. Thermophysics., 2017, 26(2) (SCI 四区)

    61.    Hong Sui, Hangxi Liu, Ping An, Lin He*, Xingang Li, Shan Cong. Application of silica gel in removing high concentrations toluene vapor by adsorption and desorption process. J. Taiwan Institute Chem. Eng., 2017, 74: 218-224. (SCI 二区)

    62.    Hong Sui, Ping An, Xingang Li, Shan Cong and Lin He*. Removal and recovery of o-xylene with silica gel using Vacuum Swing Adsorption. Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 316, 232-242(SCI一区, IF=16)

    63.    Xingang Li, Yun Bai, Hong Sui and Lin He *. Understanding the liberation of asphaltenes on muscovite surface. Energy & Fuel, 2017,31(2), 1174-1181 (SCI二区)

    64.    Hong Sui, Guoqiang Ma, Lin He*, Zisheng Zhang, Xingang Li. Recovery of heavy hydrocarbons from Indonesia carbonate asphalt rocks I: Solvent extraction, particle sedimentation, and solvent recycling. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (11), 9242-9249 (SCI二区)

    65.    Xingang Li, Junyan Wang, Lin He*, Hong Sui*, Wentao Yin. Ionic liquids assisted solvent extraction for unconventional oils recovery: Computational simulation and experimental tests. Energy & Fuels. 2016, 30, (9): 7074–7081. (SCI二区,IF=3.024)

    66.    Chen, T.; Lin, F.; He, L.; Primkulov, B.; Xu, Z. Impact of salinity on warm water-based mineable oil sands processing. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2017, 95(2),281-289SCI四区,IF=1.265

    67.    He, L.; Lin, F.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Sui, H. Enhancing heavy oil liberation from solid surfaces using biodegradable demulsifiers. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2016, 4, (2), 1753-1758.SCI 二区IF=7.9

    68.    Hong Sui, Tao Zhang, Jixing Cui, Xiqing Li, John Crittenden, Xingang Li, Lin He *. Novel off-gas treatment technology to remove volatile organic contaminants with high concentration. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research. 2016, 55, (9), 2594-2603. (SCI二区).

    69.    Hong Sui, Lin Xu, Xingang Li, Lin He.* Understanding the roles of switchable-hydrophilicity tertiary amines in recovering heavy hydrocarbons from oil sands. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 290, 312-318. (SCI一区)

    70.    Feng Lin#, Lin He#, Jun Hou, Jacob H. Masliyah and Zhenghe Xu*. Role of ethyl cellulose in bitumen extraction from oil sands ores using aqueous-nonaqueous hybrid process, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, (1), 121-129. (SCI二区)

    71.    Sui, H.; Zhang, J.; Yuan, Y.; He, L. *; Bai, Y.; Li, X.. Role of binary solvent and ionic liquid in bitumen recovery from oil sands, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2016, 94, (6), 1191–1196. (SCI四区)

    72.    Lin He#, Feng Lin#, Xingang Li, Zhenghe Xu*, Hong Sui*. Effect of solvent addition on bitumen-air bubble attachment in process water. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 137, 31-39 (SCI二区).

    73.    Lin He, Feng Lin, Xingang Li, Hong Sui*, Zhenghe Xu*, Interfacial sciences in unconventional petroleum production: From fundamentals to applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44, (15), 5446-5494. (SCI一区,IF=67).

    74.    He, L.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, F.; Xu, Z.;* Li, X.; Sui, H.* Image analysis for heavy oil liberation from its host rocks/sands. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2015, 93, (6), 1126-1137SCI四区)

    75.    He, L.; Lin, F.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Sui, H. Enhancing bitumen liberation by controlling interfacial tension and viscosity through solvent addition. Energy & Fuels. 2014, 28, (12), 7403-7410SCI二区)

    76.    Lin, F.; He, L.; Primkulov, B.; Xu, Z. Dewetting dynamics of a solid microsphere by emulsion drops. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, (25), 13552-13562. SCI二区)

    77.    He, L.; Li, X.; Wu, G.; et al. Distribution of saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes fractions in the bituminous layer of Athabasca oil sands. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27 (8), 4677-4683. SCI二区

    78.    Wu, G.; He, L.; Chen, D. Sorption and distribution of asphaltene, resin, aromatic and saturate fractions of heavy crude oil on quartz surface: molecular dynamic simulation. Chemosphere 2013, 92 (11), 1465–1471.SCI二区)

    79.    Li, X.(导师); He, L.; Wu, G.; et al, Operational Parameters, Evaluation Methods, And Fundamental Mechanisms: Aspects of Non-aqueous Extraction of Bitumen from Oil Sands. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26, (6), 3553-3563. SCI二区)

    80.    He, L.; Li, X.; Du, Y.; et al. Parameters of solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands. Advanced material research. 2012, 347-353: 3728-3731. (EI)

    81.    Li, X.; Wenjun Sun; Wu, G.; He, L.; et al. Ionic liquid enhanced solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands. Energy & Fuels 201125, (11), 5224–5231. SCI二区

    82. 何林*,贺常晴,隋红,人工智能驱动新型界面分离材料的创制,化工进展,2024EI

    83. 周惠敏,田莹,刘思亿,邹佳航,张润泽,贺常晴,何林*,隋红. 沥青质分子缔合作用机制、表征、理论计算与应用研究进展,化工学报,20237410):3995-4019EI

    84. 杜金泽;李源森;蔡思超;何林*;王成扬;李鑫钢,精馏釜残无害化处理与资源化转化研究进展与思考,化工进展,2023422):559-574EI

    85. 杨娟娟;何林*;贺常晴;李鑫;隋红,含油污泥多相复合调质降黏破乳分离过程,化工进展,2023;42(2):614-23EI

    86.   吕朋;何畅帆;何林*;李鑫钢;隋红,含重质油污泥非均相氧化降解特性及其强化机制化工进展,2022EI

    87.   刘翔;何林*;从海峰;隋红;李鑫钢,双胺可逆溶剂强化正渗透脱盐及过程优化,化工进展,2022EI

    88.   张辛铖; 何林*; 隋红; 李鑫钢; 重质油包水乳液破乳过程及降粘强化机制,化工进展,2022EI

    89.   蔡思超;周静;杜金泽;李方舟;李源森;何林*;李鑫钢;王成扬,煤化工酚基精馏釜残资源化利用过程初步分析,化工进展,2022EI

    90.   何畅帆; 赵小航; 章雪莹; 何林*; 隋红; 李鑫钢,过一硫酸盐-高铁酸盐-FeS土柱淋洗法修复邻二氯苯污染土壤,化工进展,2022EI

    91.   宋飞;王君妍;何林*;隋红;李鑫钢,表面活性剂强化重质油矿溶剂萃取残渣中残留溶剂鼓泡分离研究,化工进展,2021EI

    92.   章雪莹,马俊,何林*,隋红,李鑫钢. 沥青岩中界面活性沥青质分子结构及其在矿物表面吸附特征.化工进展,2021EI

    93.   邓娜,刘彤,杨冬,杨晓晨,何林,从海峰,马学莲. 《流体热力学》课程思政映射探索与设计,2020

    94.   马媛,杜金泽,周静,隋红,何林*李鑫钢. 酚基釜残深拔残渣分析及其热转化制备CO2吸附材料. 化学工业与工程,20201-10.

    95.   陈颢,从海峰,何林,李洪,高鑫,李鑫钢,进料组成对中部蒸汽压缩两段式精馏塔节能与经济效益影响研究,化工进展,2020,EI

    96.    宋焦焦,张自生,隋红,何林*,李鑫钢。油砂沥青质对油砂沥青中甲苯残留的影响。化工进展,2020, 391):65-71EI

    97.    王泽利,李鑫钢,郑成功,何林.工业挥发性有机污染物控制与资源化过程及思考.过程工程学报,2019, 19 (S1), 35-44(邀稿)(EI

    98.   王君妍白云马国强隋红李鑫钢何林*, 重质油-固体系分离与资源化回收研究进展, 化工进展, 2019, 38, (1): 646-660. (邀稿)(EI

    99.    隋红,刘纪江,王泽利,李鑫钢,何林*极性VOCs组分在硅胶上的吸脱附性质研究,现代化工,201812181-185

    100.  刘航希,隋红,李鑫钢,何林*.甲苯分子在铝基金属-有机骨架材料上的吸附特性,化工进展2016, 35, (11): 3710-3716.EI

    101.  隋红,牛雅琪,李鑫钢,何林*. 离子交换树脂法回收水中离子液体的研究. 化工进展 2017, 36, (4): 1209-1216. EI

    102.  袁逸璞,何林,隋红. 阳离子聚丙烯酰胺辅助溶剂萃取油砂沥青工艺研究 [J]. 化学工业与工程, 2017, 34(2): 73-78.

    103.  李佳,曹兴涛,隋红何林*,李鑫钢. 石油污染土壤修复技术研究现状与展望,石油学报(石油加工)2017, 33, (5): 811-833.EI)(邀稿)

    104.  何林,孙文郡,李鑫钢,溶剂萃取在油砂分离中的应用及发展.化工进展 2011, 30, (S2), 186-189.

    105.  何林,韩军,王光辉,等.六氟乙烷的热分解特性. 高等学校化学学报2009, 30(1):125-128 (SCI四区)



1.       李鑫钢、何林、吴玉龙、等,天津大学、清华大学、广东新华粤石化集团股份公司、山东圣泉新材料股份有限公司、国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司、宁夏华辉环保科技股份有限公司、营口吉诺尔耐火材料有限责任公司.酚基精馏釜残资源化利用技术规范,团体标准,T/CI172-2022, 2022

2.       《有机污染土壤和地下水修复》,北京:科学出版社,2013.9. ISBN:9787030387127。


1)     隋红; 何林; 李鑫钢.一种油砂分离的方法及装置. ZL 201210433254.3. 2014.9.10授权

1) 隋红, 徐琳, 何林, 李鑫钢.一种亲水性可逆溶剂辅助油砂分离的方法. ZL 201510999342.3,2018.07.06授权

2) 隋红,徐琳,何林,李鑫钢. 一种亲水性可逆助剂辅助有机溶剂分离油砂的系统,ZL 201521107567.5,2016.04.07授权

3) 何林,隋红,王君妍,李鑫钢. 一种回收重质油溶剂萃取过程固体残渣中溶剂的方法. ZL 201610303885.1, 2017.11.06授权

4) 何林,隋红,李鑫钢.一种富含碳酸盐油砂矿溶剂萃取及溶剂回收的方法和系统. ZL 201610304131.8, 2018.04.03授权

5) 何林,隋红,李鑫钢等。一种富含碳酸盐重质油矿的分离回收方法和系统. ZL 201610298740.7, 2017.11.07授权

6) 何林,隋红,李鑫钢. 一种富含碳酸盐重质油矿的高效分离方法. ZL 201610303882.8, 2016,已授权2018-04-13

7) 隋红,何林,李鑫钢,等. 用于处理含碳酸盐矿物质的重质油资源的分离开采方法和系统. ZL 201610298739.4, 2018.04.13授权

8) 隋红,何林,李鑫钢. 一种富含碳酸盐重质油矿的并联连续分离方法和系统. ZL 201610298737.5, 2018.09.11授权

9) 隋红,何林,李鑫钢. 一种从重质油矿开采废液中回收钙盐和副产品的方法和工艺. ZL 201610303884.7, 2018.06.15授权

10) 李鑫钢,何林,隋红. 一种含碳酸盐重质油泡沫的处理方法和系统. ZL 201610303883.2, 2018.05.29授权

11)李鑫钢,何林,隋红. 一种富含碳酸盐重质油矿的分离方法. ZL201610298738.X, 2018.01.19授权

12) 李鑫钢,隋红,何林,等. 一种富含碳酸盐重质油矿的高效分离方法和系统.ZL 201610299126.2, 2016,已授权2018-06-15

13)  何林; 杨子琪; 隋红; 李鑫钢. 一种采用可逆萃取溶剂进行油固分离的方法.ZL 201711119445.1. 2020.5.26授权

14) 何林,康宁,隋红,等。用于重质油矿分离的微乳萃取剂及用法,ZL 201711119527.6,2020.5.22授权

15)    何林,李佳,李鑫钢,隋红,等. 有机无机复合污染土壤的流体输送反应一体化修复系统. ZL 201820577660.X, 2019.1.1, 授权

16)        何林,李泓达,李鑫钢,隋红,周泾泾,张自生. 一种亲水性磁性纳米材料的制备方法及应用. ZL 201810094676.X, 2020.5.26授权

17)  李鑫钢,何林,李佳,隋红,马媛. 有机污染土壤低能耗热脱附-急冷-吸附耦合修复系统. ZL 201820577688.3, 2019.1.1,授权

18)  康宁,何林,隋红,等。一种低共熔溶剂及其制备方法,ZL 201711119476.7,2020.5.18 授权

19)  何林,王泽利,隋红,李鑫钢。一种多种吸附剂串联使用的吸附工艺方法,ZL 201910449299.1, 2019.5.28,发明,2021.9.8授权

20) 何林,李鑫钢,郑成功,隋红,等。一种含有机物的废气的处理装置,ZL 202021840513.02020.8.28,授权

21) 何林,等。一种含N,N-二甲基乙酰胺的废气回收处理装置。ZL 202022748381.5,2020年11月24日 实用新型 授权

22)   丛山,王哲,何林,等,一种储藏库区呼吸阀的气体收集装置,ZL 202120401952.X,2021年2月24日申请,2021年11月16日授权

23)何林,康宁,李鑫钢,隋红,张自生。一种胆碱氨基酸离子液体的制备方法。ZL 201910221591.8, 2019,发明,2022.3.9授权

24) 李鑫钢,何林,孙令宇,隋红,苑巍. 一种包裹相变储能胶囊的树脂吸附剂及其制备方法和应用。201910366198.8, 2019.5.5,发明,2022.5.17授权

25) 何林,周泾径,隋红,李鑫钢,一种磁性纳米材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL 202110181181.2,2021.2.9发明申请,20227月授权

26 何林,孔顺利,等。油砂沥青质制备富含氮硫多孔吸附剂材料的方法和应用,ZL 201910607889.2,2019.7.8,发明, 2022.7.28 授权

27)何林,李鑫钢,等。一种油气回收的方法,ZL 202011073131.4, 2020.10.9申请,发明,2022.9.5 授权

28)  何林,李鑫钢,王成扬,等。一种酚基精馏釜残的处理方法,ZL202011051943.92020.9.29申请  发明 2023526日授权

29) 何林,李源森,等,一种酚基精馏釜残的利用方法及由其改性的环氧沥青材料,ZL 202210856037.9,  2022年7月22日申请,2023526 授权