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Date/Time: 09:00 a.m. Tuesday, Jun 30th
Venue:  Room No.C4,TJU-NKU Building
Lecturer:  Prof. PETER J. STANG

About Lecturer: 
B.S., Chemistry, 1963, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois (Magna Cum Laude) 
Ph.D., Chemistry, 1966, University of California, Berkeley (NIH Fellow, with A. Streitwieser) 
Postdoctoral, 1966-68, Princeton University (NIH Fellow, with P.v.R. Schleyer) 

Dean, College of Science, University of Utah, 1997-2007 
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of Utah, 1992-present 
Chairperson, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, 1989 - 1995 
Assistant, Associate, Full Professor, University of Utah, 1969-1992 
Senior Fellow, Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute, University of Southern California, 1991-present 
Honorary Professor of Chemistry, CAS Institute of Chemistry, Beijing, China, Zheijiang Univ., East China Normal Univ., East China Univ. Of Sc. & Tech., Soochow Univ., Nanjing Univ. of Technology 

Molecular Architecture via Coordination: Formation of discrete supramolecular species with well defined geometries and shapes via self-assembly; Polyvalent Iodine Species; Alkynyl Esters; Reactive Intermediates (vinyl cations, unsaturated carbenes). 

American Chemical Society (Fellow); American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow 

ACS Priestly Medal 2013; National Medal of Science 2011; F.A. Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical Research (2010); Fred Basolo Medal for Outstanding Research in Inorganic Chemistry (2009); ACS Award for Creative Research and Applications of Iodine Chemistry (2007); Foreign Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2007); Linus Pauling Medal (2006); Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2006); Member, National Academy of Sciences (2000); Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2002); Titular Member, European Academy of Arts, Sciences & Humanities; ACS George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon Chemistry (2003); R. W. Parry Teaching Award in Chemistry (2000); ACS James Flack Norris Award in Physical-Organic Chemistry (1998); Univ. of Utah Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence (1995); ACS Utah Section Award (1994); Governor's Medal for Science and Technology (State of Utah) (1993); D.Sc. honoris causa, Moscow State University, Moscow Russia (1992); D.Sc. honoris causa, Russian Academy of Sciences (1992); Univ. of Utah Chemistry Department "Outstanding Teaching Award" (1989, 1975); Fulbright-Hays Scholar, Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1988);Univ. of Utah Distinguished Research Award (1987); Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Technion, Haifa, Israel (1986, 1997); Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow (1985, 1998); Alexander von Humboldt "Senior U.S. Scientist Award" (1977,1994, 2010). 

Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) Jan. 2002 -present; Associate Editor, JACS, 1982-1999. 
Chair, Pacifichem Congress 2015; Vice Chair Pacifichem Congress 2005 and 2010Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Jan. 2000 - Oct. 2001 
Member, Board of Directors, AAAS, 2003-2007 
Member, ACS Council Committee on Nominations and Elections, 1999-2004 
Member, ACS Board Council Committee on Chemical Abstracts, 1993-1999 
Member, NRC Board on Chemical Sciences & Technology 1997-2001 
Member, Advisory Board, Chemical & Engineering News, 1995-1997; Member Editorial Board, C&E News, 2001-present 
Council Delegate, AAAS Chemistry Section, 1995-1998; International Advisory Board, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2000-2008 

Stang is the author or co-author of 517 scientific publications, including seven monographs and two dozen reviews. Total citations: 26,528; 1> 2630; 2> 1000; 5> 500; 3 >300; 8>200; 29>100; 76 >50; 100>25 citations. h-index 74. 

To date Stang has mentored 59 Postdoctoral Associates; 37 students have obtained Ph.D. degrees and 7 students have received M.S. degrees under his direction.