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Date/Time: 16:00 p.m. Thursday, March 26th
Venue:  No. 26-B-103
Lecturer: Neil Robertson 
About Lecturer: 
BSc (1988), PhD (1992), University of Edinburgh  
Royal Society European Exchange Fellowship, Freie Universitat Berlin (1992-3)  
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wales, Bangor (1993-6)  
BP/RSE Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh (1996-9)  
Lecturer, Imperial College London (2000)  
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, University of Edinburgh (2001-)  
His research involves molecule-based materials with conducting, magnetic and optical properties. This includes preparation of electronically-delocalised molecules with properties such as reversible redox processes, intense low-energy absorptions and the capability for strong intermolecular interactions. These are then used to prepare functional electronic materials. Such materials and devices have the potential to be more cheaply fabricated in comparison with conventional semiconductor technology and as such are set for widespread application in areas such as displays, transistors and solar cells.